Sunday, 4 November 2012

Tea for two, and two for tea

Day will break and I'm gonna wake
and start to bake a sugar cake

'Tea for two' Doris Day

I have been keeping a little secret  that has caused my blogging self to go seriously awol. But there is a reasonable explanation for my disappearance from the blogosphere. Come to think of it, reasonable is probably the least appropriate word in this instance.

I quit my job. Well, as dramatic as that sounds, not entirely true, I handed in my notice, like any responsible adult, worked the 4 week notice period and am now officially 'without employment.' The reasons for this? Boredom and unfulfilment coupled with the overriding feeling of '...there must be more to this provincial life.' (I can seriously relate to how Belle felt in Beauty and the Beast felt right now). So the plan? To move to London and make something of myself. That's as far as the plan goes... there is no job in the pipeline, however, I am making progress on the home front. All baby steps. 

Dramatic announcement aside, the amazing people, that are also known as my friends decided to give me a send off to end all send offs. Last weekend being the last weekend I knew I would be at home indefinitely. 

So what do you get for the girl that (on her own submission) has everything (and then some.) A tea party with more cakes and treats that I could eat in one sitting, sadly.

They baked, they brought and they assembled. Everything was perfect from the vintage china, the setting, the copious amounts of tea and most of all the company made for a great afternoon. My hardened exterior was temporarily broken.

So not only do my girls know how to put on a wonderful spread *ahem* they surprised me with a hamper full of all the essentials and some of my favourite bits.

The hamper included 'London' tea, a vintage cup and saucer, a mini cupcake baking set, champagne flutes and wine glasses, flumps (way beyond an obsession) towels and then there was this...

My super talented friend Hannah is an illustrator, she often whips out things like this on a whim, in between her other daily tasks such as being a mother and generally an all round delight. More of her work can be seen here

So what next? I am currently in London looking for somewhere to live, and then I guess I'll get a job...Simple right?


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